In this post, I'll be going over 3 reasons why anyone with a longevity mindset would be smart to invest themselves in the worldwide stock market. Enjoy....
The three main points that I’ll be covering are investment benefits, variety within the stocks, and kingship over a stock. The world of business is forever expanding within the human population. Professional business practices go back as far as the B.C times, where trading one good for another allowed individuals to network and live off of each other. Today, Business is categorized into many things and can be seen in almost everything we do. From general services to personal transactions, we are all included in the cloud of Business. However, one form of business that I find to be the most interesting is Stocks and Investments within these stocks, known as the Stock Market.
By exercising proper business techniques and practices, those looking to join stock markets will surely prosper in the field that they invest in. The majority of companies today both big and small have submitted themselves into the Stock Market. No matter what field they specialize in, there’s always a place for some type of business in the stock market. Not only do companies prosper from the potential finances, but so do ordinary people who have the knowledge and skill of working the market. If there’s one thing to gain from being a member of the stock market, it’s the amount of profit that can be made through investments.
Choosing an investment wisely will determine how your finances grow overtime. Because the stock market is always increasing in value, it would be smart to invest your time in a stable company. For example, companies like Apple and Coca Cola have always had an impressive record when it came to numbers in the stock market. Partnering with either two of these companies will surely reap a great benefit towards your finances. However, with stable companies also come unstable companies. According to, “Stock adds risk to a portfolio, as well as the potential for large, rapid gains”. Investing time in a business that’s under the stock market’s preferences will result in vast losses of profit and terrible breakdowns of that company.
In order to avoid the mistake of joining a bad company, people should analyze its business life to see what progress they’ve made since being submitted into the stock market. Another benefit of joining the stock market is the diversification that it provides. This gives any member the chance to double their finances if the stocks are partnered correctly. Not only does this serve the monetary aspect of potential members, but it also serves the aspect of individual interest. Most business share holders would probably lose interest in the stock market if they were entitled to only one company. This would also affect outside companies because they would not be able to network as much. Networking and diversification is a good way of implementing business and definitely a strategic plan of action if one wanted to increase their finances.
Aside from gaining mass profit through investments and diversification, crowning your status over a stock is the best role to achieve. According to, “Owning stock in the company you work for can be a way to express loyalty and tie your personal finances to the success of the business as a whole”. With being a king stockholder comes the opportunity to learn and grow with other bright individuals who would make sure your investment time isn’t wasted. When you’re partnered with big shareholders, the stock market can be analyzed through a more efficient and prosperous angle. The future of your stock market success will more than likely be secured if you’re ranked amongst the highest of shareholders.
In my opinion, joining the stock market will surely benefit those who are looking to better themselves in the business world. The stock market is a risky game to play, but is worth the time invested if you take the time to learn and grow. Business is all around us, and by learning its practices you will surely create a secure future for yourself.
Hartman, Dennis. “Advantages of Investing in the Stock Market”. Zacks Investment Research. Web. 18 September 2016.
“Benefits of Investing in the Stock Market”. 2016 Learning Markets LLC. Web. 18 September 2016. <>
Berman, Dan. “8 really bad investments that lost a Bundle.” 2016 ALM Media LLC, 7 May 2013. Web. 18 September 2016. Copyright 2016 Zacks Investment Research. Web. 18 September 2016.
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