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Life is Unpredictable Timeline

For the 3rd year in a row, Pancho's Timeline makes its grand comeback in to the Theory Collectives Archives. Prepare to follow a blog unlike any other; The living Documents. With each entry, this piece changes, adding more to the fun, the excitement, the laughs, the pleasure and much more. Introducing: 


1st Entry - Saturday, March 11th, 2023:   Over the past few weeks, I've been indulging in my new favorite weekday past time and NO it is not work related things. When I was still working at the doctors office in Montgomery County, my week days were the doctors office week days. There was no fun in that whatsoever due to 40 hour work weeks keeping me busy 5 days straight. The last thing that I'm going to do is make it seem like the gig was a trip from hell; in respect to the company it did have its plus sides. Meeting new people and adapting to an environment outside your own really helped with getting adjusted back to reality after the entire Covid quarantine phase. I was out of touch with reality, so I had to get the taste back. 

I now realize that the soup every 40 hour work week offers taste the EXACT SAME! The "corporate life "still includes all the flaws that were present long before society associated the word Corona with the deadly respiratory killing disease. I took everything in stride regardless of the situation I put myself in for financial stability. I've adapted and I no longer eat the 40 hour work week soup. I now do more things part time related and remote styled. This soup, or should I say stew allows me to do a lot more stuff. The stew I now eat offers me real work life balance . With some of this new found work life balance, I've dedicated myself to enjoying the artistic side of my mind; something I suppressed for too long with little to no gain. Times have and are changing, so it's time I change up my work style, thought style, and start to appreciate the fact that I'm still alive. I have a lot more to come in the future with this timeline. It was here in 2021 and successfully transcended into 2022. But now the torch has been picked up  again by yours  truly and 2023 will be luminated by the torch's light.  Thank you all for listening and have a great day.

NEXT ENTRY: Monday, April 17th, 2023:  I'm starting to realize that I forgot to include a lot of stuff in my last entry. Besides the fact that I now co-own my very own luxury apartment home, the possibilities for travel and making new memories are ENDLESS.  After moving out, its safe to say that those memories are coming in new and fresh. After my employment with the doctors office (which was included in this transition), I realized that I do not want to work a 9 -5 anymore. Instead, I want to work a gig with more, openness. Now I did accomplish the feat but there's still a lot more work to do. For one, I need to work out the financial kinks that come embedded with time and energy. I also have to reconstruct my own energy, since I'm such a stressful person who likes to stress over the smallest things.

All these things will be worked out eventually. I can only be the details guy for so long. We all need a break, especially me. So to feed this need for breaks, I've been getting into a few extracurricular activities. I'd like to go over a few if you have the time.  I've been going on a big museum spree all over the capital. The amount of knowledge you can learn in a single day from art, displays, and ambiance is amazing. If I had to describe the feeling, it's like being in an interactive book with it's own library of interactive designs. You never really know how long you've been somewhere until you visit a museum. Not only did I visit museums, I watch movies mid day. This is nothing new though, only because I did stuff like that during my winter breaks back in undergrads. 

But watching movies mid-day while adulting is a different story. I've watched movies at the most random times, where the theater is nothing but old people and not a lot of them either.  This comes in handy when you want to relax and take your mind off things for a little bit. I've taken nice long walks around the lake and other water fronts around 12 pm. Everyone should make it a common practice to take a walk and breathe in the fresh air regularly.  It does wonders with calming your nerves along with opening your eyes to a different type of world.  I'd like to add to the movie experiences- Going to the arcade mid day is also very cool to do while adulting.  I had the experience to play 6 VR games back to back one day. That really is submersing yourself in a different type of world.  All the things I named are only but a few of the methods I've used to relax myself and fix my stress management meter. 

Even though I accomplished doing that to an extent, fun stuff can't go without pay first. So of course that leads to the questions on "How are you able to fund all these stress relieving activities"?  3 words; Independent Contract Work. Being an independent contractor/freelancer is the job path that will give you the freedom you want with supplemental pay every now and then. The only downside to being a contractor/freelancer is that you don't always have the most stable forms of pay.  This means that every now and then, the money will stop coming in and the bank accounts will start to look a little sad.. Luckily, there's a process to this like everything else in life. Through trial and error, the base will get stronger and stronger and my skills in this field will only improve.  There's been so much that has happened in 2023. The way it's looking now, I'll need to use 2 seatbelts just to stay in my seat. As always, thanks for listening and God Bless.

Next Entry: Wednesday, April 19th, 2023: Today was a good day. After a while, I decided to re-visit the museum adventures that I started back in March. The only thing I'll say about this time around is that the weather is amazing. When you have good weather to compliment your day, everything seems happier. The people around you seem relaxed because of the nice weather. The view around you seems nicer because of the lighting. The sun along with summer time always brings good vibes. Today, I had the opportunity to visit the National Archives Museum, where I learned all about the documents that have changed the laws and regulations of the United States.  Usually I take photos when I do these travels but this one didn't allow flash photography.  Regardless, I really enjoyed the experience, as I always do at museums.  My hope is that I can one day turn this into something more than just some social media postings. After working on this blog page for almost 2 years, it's safe to say that I can turn any topic into a writing piece. Maybe I could construct a website using nothing but the nice photos I've taken. But that's just a thought. Thanks for listening family, and have a great day!! 

Next Entry: Monday, April 24th, 2023:  The tides of life have slowly shifted in a way that I did not expect. The expression of "putting yourself between a rock and hard place" is slowly becoming a reality. I do feel like it's a sink or swim moment. My breathing gets harder - I start to lose focus. My anxiety takes over and I go into a state of confusion and paranoia.  Am I afraid because of my inability to swim? Does the paranoia affect me in more ways than I thought? -- Mind of Pancho 

Next Entry: Wednesday, May 17th, 2023:  I haven't been honest with these timelines as of recent. By honest I mean I've been holding out on the changes that come my way. A few days ago I interviewed with a few people from a group close to Westat. They were looking to hire an event producer for a job that I didn't understand. It's been three days now since I started this new job and I must say it's not that bad. Aside from me having to go in physically, the hours are part time and the commute is only 10 minutes away from my current location. I've been having trouble sleeping at night and sometimes I wonder if it's because of my age or Covid or all the different things happening in my life at once.  Who knows but I hope everything gets better before I drive myself crazy.  I should be happy for the way things are going in my life. This new occupation is better than the last 2 full time positions I had. I still feel the hollow void in the center of my heart; and for some reason I can't stop being a faker towards strangers. I should unconditionally be myself but there's so much fake upbringing in my mind I can't seem to escape it. This will be the death of me if I don't stop. I keep holding grudges I don't want to. I keep having thoughts I don't want to. I know therapy would be the best option but......It's hard. Maybe I don't really want anything good for myself. Maybe this is really all for nothing. I live in a current situation that I don't like but willingly threw myself into. To make things worse, I extended the bad feelings all through a sheet of paper. I'm afraid to be myself because growing up, the people around me made it seem like being myself was a problem. I'm afraid to speak up or declare what I want. I got a recruiting agency that keeps hawking me down but I put myself in that situation as well. It's a lot and something tells me living with a girl isn't helping the problem. It's only making things worse. People say it's not normal for individuals to want to be alone. But I've never wanted to be alone so much in my life. With the exception of a few people and I put heavy emphasis on few, I really wouldn't mind just blocking everyone out and disappearing for a little bit. People are draining. The circumstances of life are draining. My mind set and how I interact with the outer environment is draining. Imagine if I could just block all that stuff out and go about my own way and deal with things on my own terms. Imagine if I could just live in a life where whatever the hell happened only did because of me. Would that be amazing? Yes it would lol. I could focus on myself like I should and need to. I could focus on so much more things that I need to. 

Next Entry: July 1st, 2023: (OFF THE RECORD)  Hello crowd! So now it's a new and unexpected entry that I would like to present to you all. I'll be your  Event Producer for the evening. My name is Marquoi and I'll be the EP of todays event titled: INTELLOR FUCKING SUCKS!!!.  I'm sorry, didn't really want to blurb that out like that but it needed to be done, ya know?  Like seriously, WTF. It's crazy how the new wave of manager today can act in a way that stifles progression and new learning. Corporate dummies brainwashed by the green stuff. I can only be mad for so long though. The Lords timing is the best timing, my mom just told me that lol. But on a serious note, I'm glad they made the decision to set me free. It shows me that the Lord is guiding me in a certain direction that he knows I want to do. My heart has secretly cried out to him all these years and he is delivering! He's delivering and I'm seeing it in real time. The time to act and change is now- The Lords time is now and I want to follow it. I'm very nervous though.....Life can be so unpredictable and I still have a lot to learn. I want to learn but not knowing what's to come can be scary. Actually, it is scary. But the Lord is on my side and I have nothing to fear as long as he's with me.  Cannabis, Beta Testing, Medical Supplies, ATM Technicians - All ways that I could make a good living without feeling like being "hooked" to the administrative shit. I'm over that life I thought was best. They don't want or appreciate me. My skills don't mean shit to them. So I'm gonna make like a tree and leave. Or leaf. But that's how it's got to be and I'm not mad at it. Not one bit. Thanks for listening though.  I'll talk to you all next time when something else fantastic happens. Happy 4th of July, Ashura, Labor Day, and all that other good stuff. 

Next Entry: July 4th, 2023: It's America's Birthday!! Praise to the Lord. Update on me: Doing just fine. It's a little boring today to be honest. I'll be going home for the 10th time in the past 5 weeks! SO not really reminiscing off the area. But its all in good fun and with family. It's time to unwind. 
I still worry about what the future holds sometimes. I literally have no income about to come in continuously. The fate of the job market has yet again fired me..... So now I sit and wait. My mind strays over the Indeed pages, yet again. It's a cycle that will make anyone feel crazy if allowed. I won't waste my time again on Gods watch. He made it so this would happen for a reason. I wont allow myself to go crazy because I must have FAITH. It's been hard, but I must have faith. The more I focus on the materialistic things, the more I'll drive myself crazy. I will have faith and do the activities designed to keep me occupied while unemployed. This isn't "fun-employment", it's "pro-employment".  I hope I do good because I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. But the best way to growth is to put yourself between a rock and a hard place. That is when the real lion comes out! Peace be to you all.. God Bless you all. I'll see you on the other side of that rock.

Next Entry: July 6th, 2023:  Today's entry comes from the need to feel fulfilled, productive, and active as a human being living on this planet. The only thing that pushes me daily and keeps me somewhat sane is the ability to always be doing something.  Why am I like this?  I get it from my pops. He's very hyper and thanks to my grandma, I had something to exert all my energy on real early. Labor around the house is all you need sometimes....In her case it was most of the time but different generations, different actions right? I think that joining the labor force with my hands will be the best thing that I've done for myself in a while. This is given that the place or places I applied to actually give me a chance.  Once I get my foot in that door, I can grow in this industry, go back to making money, using that money to accomplish bigger goals, then use those bigger goals to obtain my wealth triangle. After I got the wealth triangle, there's no turning back. This has been Pancho, recording another entry in the blog post that nobody will ever read because I don't want it to be discovered. My imaginary little audience. Thank you and goodbye.  

Next Entry: July 8th, 2023: Hello! Today is going to be a good day because its Saturday and I get to stay home and do stuff like blog on this moveable template. I got denied this morning by a job I applied to nearby. It's under the new industry I want to break in to; technician work. Hopefully I get a chance to work something out. But that's the good thing about life; It's an unpredictable and completely miscalculated funk of a mess that forces you to adapt and be open minded - sometimes.  Thanks to the Lord for making it that way. Praise JESUS. Well, I could say a lot more about what's happening in my life but it's nothing you haven't heard before. Thanks to you all and have a great day. 

Next Entry: July 11th, 2023: Happy 7/11 Day!! It's the day of free slushies at Americas most iconic corner store. So many times this day has come and go. It gets old after a while. Now when it comes to me, I recently stated this new type of workout routine that works pretty well for me. I'll be honest, I've been breezing through the intermediate workout like it's nothing. I can feel a difference in what I do too so I'll stick with it. I start day 1 of cardio this week; Basketball two days in a row. Ab workouts everyday so I don't feel tempted to play with my damn stomach. Whatever happened to proper work ethics- these new jobs are filled with incompitent people being placed on high positions of power. This is retarded and bad for the economy. I'd be lying if I said I was fully over those stupid ass bitches snaking me under the table. They're fucking stupid in every way and the reason why I do what I do. Now I got to make yet ANOTHER career change and still deal with the finances  of life kicking my wallets ass. The dam credit card company from CITI bank has been trying to get to me all over me not paying my bill in a while. I like how they choose to ignore all the other times that the debtor is on time and ready to pay forward towards shit. What I don't like is how soft and nice I am to literally everyone. I'm 26 years old and I still feel like I don't have a voice for when I need to have one. Loaning out money to whoever and people always expecting me to do whatever. The shit is ridiculous. But this is the only way I can vent stuff out to the world. This along with going to the museums, playing games, going to the movies, and other introverted stuff is the best way to express my feelings, In the end I played the introverted role to thee point where nobody talks to me anymore lol. All my doings. It's okay - probably best that way. Now the only person that I have to talk to is the person who was overly obsessed with me and has all the family and friends to talk to. Then again, she's a girl so it makes sense right? After seeing some old shows detailing what happened back in the day it doesn't surprise me that people act the way they do. Thank goodness for change and laws but dam does it still suck. What sucks the most is how I can't seem to keep a job. Luckily I stopped smoking and now I'm gonna get high off life. Maybe if I remind myself that people are pieces of shit anyway, It wouldn't matter all that much. Focusing on me, myself, and I is the best way to go. Staying within my time zone so that I don't see the time zones of others is what's best for my conscience right now. It'll be best for me when I'm off drugs and back to doing more productive things to fill in the voids that I never got out or expected out of life. The self pity pisses other people off. The niceness pisses other people off. I know I'm an attention seeker but now it's time that I sought attention from me, myself, my mind, my body, my spirit, and other parts of me. Only me. The seven acres of my personality need all the attention I never gave it because I assumed that life would be something better to show my attention to. This is gonna be a blast. Getting high off life is the new high off life. Done and done. God bless you all.  

Next Entry: July 13th, 2023: Today I met a girl and her name was (______). I don't know her name because she's a whore from some website. That's about it. On the other hand my silly ass friends from down the lane forgot to fill my soda machine again. If you want the job done right, you got to do it yourself. That's all for now folks. See ya all next time. I wont be posting on here for a while - -I'm taking a mandatory break for creative purposes.  

ADD ON - So today is the 15th of July and yes it's not the same as the 13th but I felt like that entry was so small so I could add more onto it by combining the two. Now that I'm here I can say happy Saturday to everyone because it's Saturday. I can also say fuck these scamming ass using ass bitches that the DMV is sadly riddled with. I kid you not everyone always wants to fuck someone over in this area it's ridiculous. You got your good people though. You actually got a lot of good honest working people. I strive to be one of those good honest working people someday. I know I can and that I will be as long as I have faith in the one responsible for us being here. Happy Saturday everyone. 

Next Entry: July 18th, 2023: So today is going to be a great day because the lord almighty woke me up in the right mind set. I must say those edibles do a number of things on you- like making you disoriented in the middle of the night. That stuff is crazy. But I got right back on track by going to the gym and handling the business that I needed to. The world is my oyster and I'm the big fish designed to eat other people. That is amazing. How great is God. He's soo good I'm about to go and pray. Thank you all for listening and I hope you enjoy the rest of your week. 

Next Entry: July 25th, 2023: Last weekend I travelled to Minnesota for the 1st time with my family. It was for a family reunion on my dads side. I've never seen the area before but most of my aunts and uncles live out there. Its been a while since I've seen most of my cousins but it was somewhat refreshing to hang with each other when you get three or four shots of whiskey in the system. People are unpredictable but overall; know who your family is because when it goes down  it goes down. Thank you and have a great day. Also, I got a new pendant coming in the mail soon. It catches the photon particles of rainbow light that is all around us. I'll use it to boost my physical, mental, and emotional health. Dammit I'm gonna look and feel soo good after I wear that pendant long. I'm really the Dirty Dan Sammy. I got some good dreams coming along and I recently applied for benefits. Those benefits will be delicious if I get some of them. They will be great. 

Next Entry: August 4th, 2023:  It's officially been more than a month since I got fired from that whack ass job down the street. Oh well. Now I have a new monster I'm going up against. MYSELF. It came out of nowhere right after I activated it in the movie theater. To kill time, I travelled to PG county where I balled in the quadruplex court near college park. After that I payed that movie theater on Powder Mill Rd a visit to watch that damn scary movie. After that, my stress was manifested 10 fold and hasn't been going down since. This shit is wicked crazy and wild as fuck. The main reason I wanted to see the movie is so that I could continue the franchise but by doing so, I woke up the beast. My enemy is hard. Stressed out me has me going crazy, indulging in social media more than I want to, texting people random shit that I'm not supposed to text, feeding into toxic culture, itching all the time, running into shit, getting scared out of my sleep, making me paranoid as hell 24/7, sweating at night, and second guessing my every thought, action, and move. Overall, I'm in trouble here but it's okay. After doing some research online, I saw that I have materials that can help aid me in this new mission: Burning Stretch the Stressor. He's in my mind and yes I did just personalize the stress because it makes life more fun for me. I almost passed my mission of icing Mr. Jiggly (My stomach), but I got to Burn Stretch the Stressor (My Head/Emotions/Self Growth) because he's a 3 headed snake and if I let him grow too big, I'll be the first one to get consumed. I don't have time for that because I plan on living a very long life. So to wrap this up, the new game plan is to train with the artifact that is most compatible with my sign element (WATER &SILVER), then I'll use the training and new found abilities to kill my stress. Killing my stress, will open up the 5 gates of self. After those gates open, I'm DONE. GOD BLESS u ALLL.

Next Entry: August 28th, 2023: Hello timeline! It's been a while since I've logged on and added a new piece for the blog. So far my life has been riddled with miracles and blessings, less stressful problems, and more opportunities by Gods grace. I started getting UB's in my state and ever since then it's taken a load off my shoulder when it comes to supporting myself financially. The only thing I would take back is telling everyone that I lost my job when I did. I appreciate the willingness for everyone to help me out but what would the point of that be now that I'm in a comfortable spot. God doesn't put us through things that we wouldn't be able to handle. That's the truth and he shows me that. I hope that everything these courses are leading up to will benefit me in the long run. The passion is there even though I sound like a broken record. The last one was definitely my fault and I should've just been a man and stuck to what I set out to do. But I didn't. The medical writers one was a bust because the courses didn't even help me gain anything stable. The internet said one thing different while life said another. The last industry jump journey was a miss but not a complete bust. I still kept the bubble alive and will probably have another chance at that industry pretty soon. The newest industry venture however is something that I can relate with closer than the other 2. Requirements before even joining the positions are general and met. Courses are pending and in progress of being completed so that shows knowledge - I even got a resume with lowkey covers and highlights mixed with keywords to highlight what I've done over the past 4 years. That last sentence was loaded but shows you just how much I think it'll work. So far it's going good. I still need to learn to not stress over every little thing. I also need to learn how to not keep the idea of work on my head all the time. There needs to be necessary periods of me relaxing and completing the dopamine things I always wanted to. Watching movies for example and going to more museums.  That is what I need to do. And what I can do but choose not to. It's a disease - me being lazy and all. Luckily I'm not lazy all the way because it gets boring. Happy day everyone and thanks for listening but I'm signing off for now. Until next time. 

Next Entry: September 14th, 2023:  The only time I start to write  on my timeline blog is when I have something interesting to say or when there's a new occurrence in my life. I recently told my family that my contract job was over but in reality I was prematurely let go from a stupid At&t company that was ashamed to be a part of At&t. Ever since doing that, my pops has gone back into that babying mode he tends to get in. He seems to be really preoccupied with calling me and checking up on me. I should've never said anything. Had I just kept my big mouth shut I would have been able to go on about my daily life. The only problem with any of this is that my secrecy is at jeopardy whenever I tell my family things that they don't have to know. The best part of my reality is that I work a beta testing job with limited work but I also receive benefits from the government. This isn't something I planned on doing. It was just more so of a need due to time. The time I liked doing extracurricular activities has suddenly reappeared. I can't help but wonder if this is a sign that my stretch of being a freelancer has yet to end. There's more to come with this new way of living and working. The only thing I need to do is learn it, accept it, then do anything I can to perfect it and grow it like I did when I was working office jobs.  The first office job ever was the collection agency. From there I stayed until I got a job at a marketing research firm. It was located in a BOFA building but after getting let go, I went to work for a non-profit medical drug company. From there I went to work for a hospital, research company office, industrial company office, then back to the collection agency. This is the trend of my life with office jobs- contract work and stressful medical work. My 4 years in school with all the stuff I did to myself was just for contract work and stressful medical jobs. After a 6 year mark, I believe that my life has finally switched up from the leftist office restricted side and is slowly wanting the rightist freelance side. Do I have a problem with this opposite side? Nope. Not at all. As a matter of fact, I was getting tired with the leftist side after I was told as a contractor that there wasn't any work for me to stay at a place where I was supposedly 1 of the top 3 workers.  

Next Entry: September 28th, 2023:  So its almost been a year since I've adopted the new type of freelance life style. I can say for a fact that job systems along with other systems in the US have broken down terribly. The millennials of today are slowly letting the country down. It doesn't help that I am on the short end of the stick due to my lack of a job. I currently receive benefits, smoke weed everyday, listen to music all the time, and spend my days taking the same walk, watching the same shit, all the stuff I been did after month 1. Month 1 was better than this shit man. I already told myself I need to relax though. Life is showing me that with the wear and tear that my joints go through. The only person that I like to see fail worse than me is myself but its a continuum battle with the mind. I'll be victorious and the fatigue will wear out. I heard it back in 2020 so I'll say it now. Tough times never last only tough people last.  I can visit all the museums I want, workout everyday, read every book, but the leisure time of life can't replace purpose. I could try but that comes with the constant spending and relocation of funds. It sucks to keep up a leisure life style where you don't have to work. The thing is I had a job but decided to break away from that lifestyle. It was boring and I was losing my mind. I refused to do that shit again. I am not the type of person that likes that stupid shit. Now here's the thing, I need to learn how to keep that spark going up and up only. That's the gateway to me unlocking what I need to unlock. That's the gateway to me finding something to do. I thought applying to jobs while I was in school would've been more than enough preparation for the real world. I was wrong as usual. But what does it matter. You fall 10000 times you walk 100001. Its life and I must grow comfortable with failing. I must grow comfortable with being uncomfortable so that I can break out of my egg and spread the wings of the phoenix. I don't believe in the mumbo jumbo but I like the way it represents me. I'll go look those up right now. Thanks and have a great day. 

Next Entry: October 18th, 2023: I GOT THE JOB!!! Did I tell you guys that ? I don't think I did lol so now you know that I got the job. I know what you're thinking - How long is this contract going to last or  what field am I going to blow through this time. At this point, the amount of stuff I've done leads to nothing to repetitive broken record styles. The styles upon styles of broken records can be and will be emulated if nothing has changed. Luckily this new opportunity comes with change - OUTSIDE of the growth levels of a job. That way I won't be fooled or tricked into thinking that I'm doing something with ranks when in reality its all for show. Back in 2019 when I was in the back of an Uber (back when I had an Uber account), the drive who was a humble yet sophisticated man told me something that stuck. The best things in this world are built by hand. How crazy is it that I like to fix things or attempt to fix things with my hand? The office jobs aren't for me and never were. Were they necessary steps to getting to the career I needed to be at - YES. Were they necessary steps for me to put on my resume showing how adaptable my degree was - YES. But was it something that I was supposed to stick with forever in my life? NO. I'm glad that I broke myself out of that mindset. That same mindset lead me to bouncing from contract job to contract job like most people who are trying to find their way in this life. So yes it was needed but not something that had to be permanent. I've been working a lot of jobs in my young age and this probably helped with the knowledge I gained over the years. Now it's time to establish myself in the work force because I for one need to be set and reset to what my passion is in life. I'm about to be 27 and the time to start making life changing moves has been passed (21-24 or earlier). I've always planned for things to happen earlier in my life that don't ever happen earlier. I've always planned for me to obtain things earlier in life that usually don't go that way. The honest thing about my newest opportunity is that I see a future for the first time in a long time. I see something that I can grow and build off of in the job market and off the job market. I see something that I can grow and build off that's linked to networking and physical expression of skills. The fluff that comes with holding and moving to administrative jobs are gone. I can't believe that at one point I really considered doing stuff like that for the rest of my life. So glad that I realized my subliminal passion and took the necessary steps to exploit it. It sounds bad when I say it like that lol but it's my life so I can say stuff like that. Overall I'm blessed man because I couldn't do any of this without the man upstairs. GOD above and only has never left me or forsaken me. I love him dearly and would do anything for him. He has taken care of me, my friends, and my family thus far and I know that he will continue to do so. The plan in life is to have myself established all ways by the time I'm 30-35 years of age. I want the entire financial and insurance package deal settled to my liking and I want to have my travel experience and credit lines established the way I want it. Getting the foundation set in strong stone is the way to living a "happy life". That part goes in quotation marks because there's no such thing as a true happy life. The only thing that makes you happy is what's between the ears of your head and the heart region vertical from the crown of your head. like a cross. Thank you all and god bless.


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  Precolonial Black Africa 𓁃𓀠𓀢𓀧 This mid to large size book, originally written in French, gives readers a gateway into what Africa was like before the colonization. "Precolonial Black Africa" gives readers a detailed outlook on what life was like amongst the earliest Africans. The book sheds light on what the early Africans did for a living, how they saw each other, how they handled conflicts, how they conquered other lands, how they practiced religion, and a number of other things.  Throughout the book, Cheikh Anta Diop divides the text into sections that focus on the different angles of political and social systems.   For example, section 2 or II or the book goes into detail on what the socio-political status of Africa was at the time.   Sections later on in the  text talk about the education levels that was present during precolonial black Africa. The text is well rounded overall and makes the reader(me) feel like they're sitting in an exclusiv...

Reviews by Pancho @ "What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy" By James Paul Gee. Chapter 7

🎮What Video Games Have to 🎲Teach Us About Learning and Literacy📙 In chapter 7, James Paul Gee discusses how online interactions through video games can help create a learning network for video game players. When video game players are able to communicate with each other worldwide, it causes people to learn new things or solve the trivia of a game as a group. The unified network of gamers can allow those who participate to submit their own ideas on the game. Certain abilities and cheat codes to the game can also be developed as people play within the network. One game that Gee uses to prove this principle is World of Warcraft, an online MMO and RPG game. The game has a huge audience with people from all around the world logging in to play daily. The author was able to experience on hand just how far playing within a network can help gamers progress through these types of games. He states “But video game players can be part of a powerful network if they so desire and know-ho...

Reviews by Pancho @ "What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy" By James Paul Gee. Introduction

🎮What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy🎮 The introduction of this book shows readers how author James Paul Gee feels about video games and their ability to challenge the human mind. There are many sources of education out in the world that help people enhance their intellect, but most would never think of video games being in that category. From his own experience, Paul started to really experiment with video games after watching his six-year-old son play one. He states “I decided to play through the game by myself so I could “coach” my child as he played. When I played the game I was quite surprised to find out it was fairly long and pretty challenging, even for an adult.”(pg.6) He couldn’t understand why the younger population would continuously put themselves through that much amount of stress, especially if the games were programmed to be longer and harder to solve. This is how he came to the conclusion that video games aren’t just a waste of time, bu...