1st Entry - March 4th, 2024: Today was a lot better than yesterday. Yesterday I was in the warehouse for a lot longer than I was supposed to be. What a perfect Monday start for March Madness....Just my luck because it wouldn't be the marvelous adventures of Pancho if it didn't go a weird and challenging way. However today was a lot better. More coordination, more tolerance, more timing on things allowed and not. It was the only way towards the good way. Also, steering in my direction is the job that I want. With the correct questions and preparations, I will land that ATM tech industry. The emails I get from the membership continue to shine light and only light on that pathway. I really am confident in what I'm doing with this industry jump. Before you know it I'll dominate the space and finally control my fate the way I want to. But its MARCH MADNESS!!!!!!!!!! I got goals to meet along with challenges to cross. This is like that episode from SpongeBob when Sandy was about to go into hibernation so she had SpongeBob do all types of crazy stuff with her to stimulate the senses. My senses need to be stimulated over the next few months so that I can tackle the summer with force. The starting blocks for change of the times are now. With March Madness the renewal of everything young and old, back then and the future, bright and dimed will be molded into the times of complete concentration and dedication.
This is the time to dedicate myself to the inner will that is Pancho. Daylight savings is in March for a great reason. That shows the change of times from hibernation to spring jump forward. The jump forward is needed as a balance for everyday life. Things will be accomplished this year. Sade's song "Nothing Can Come Between Us" is constantly playing back in my head over and over again. This year is the summer of the 24. The Kobe year summer. The times of BLACK MAMBA. I rock with that mentality because it shows the true will and dedication that is life and time. I love my life and I love my times. LIFE IS GOOD.
2nd Entry - March 7th, 2024: Today sucked because work was all over the place. The cutback on hours is crazy. What's even crazier is how you have to adapt to an environment you don't know about and can still be mislead. I hate when I'm portrayed as something based off what others are telling me. It's like I don't know how to fucking be myself and it sucks ass. My persona is so much more reliable and durable like a bouncy BALL.
I must learn to be resilient and adaptable. I got in the industry didn't I? Then I need to act like I know how to be in the freaking industry. This is just one of the things that added to the bad day. But me not being myself makes a hard situation even freaking harder. It's ridiculous. All I have to do is be myself and learn to adapt like I know how but I overthink the slightest of things. Hopefully it goes a little better tomorrow. Other than that, life is good. Thank you all for listening.
3rd Entry - March 15th, 2024: TGIF!!! That's the best feeling even though I shouldn't have that feeling because its' not a good way to think about life or the work week. Everyday is special and unique with certain surprises and charms that come with each hour. The machines on me today were trash as usual but this time I didn't have to stay after for long at ALL. As a matter of fact I got out on time - 4 minutes before the bell rang. The best feeling to me is being successful in what it is I do and having a good grit with it. The only way to move is up from here. And also I still haven't lost my obsession over bouncy balls. If anything I rediscovered my passion for it and I've never felt happier to be in possession of something so simple. Also the daylights savings time went forward so the weather is getting ready for spring and the summer time.
I can already feel the effects with the cherry blossom sperm trees sprouting. Boy they always smell like utter shit and it will forever offend my nostrils. That's the cool part about all of this. Sitting back and acknowledging that life is beautiful aside from all the bullshit. The trick is to look past all the bullshit and focus on what matters. The fact that I can wake up and breathe and run around and do better things to improve myself in life is a feeling that doesn't come with a price on it. It's priceless and I'm blessed to have that gift in my possession for as long as I live. Thank you all and have a great weekend.
4th Entry - March 22nd, 2024: So it's another Friday and I'm not blown. Praise be to GOD. I really love God because he wakes me up every morning in my right mind and gives me the strength to do things that I need to so I can be productive and get through the day. I like how my work is going as well because I can feel the improvement that's coming with my position. Not moving in a job is detrimental to growth and motivation to come to work. It's really a blessing. I don't have much to add to this only because it's another task on my to-do list. Stay blessed and be strong.
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