"Supreme Maat" covers the history of African American culture and its uses when it comes to mathematics. What I fail to understand is how Mathematics correlates with people who have special powers and the ability to use certain magical things that were given to us by deities. African Creation Energy, as a whole, threw me off with that one. I don't believe that only certain gifted people can be good at math; nor do I believe that engineering is a sacred form of work that only applies to gifted people who understand math and its principles. If empowerment is the goal, shouldn't factuality be included in the mix?
It's never good to focus on the past, but a majority of African Americans were denied the right to learn and read during slavery times. Now that those days are over, it's only right that we seek the most truthful and understanding knowledge, rather than fully going with the spiritual talk that African ancestors live by. Let's break out of the matrix that other races imposed on us, and start learning to create our own effective system. 7/10 is my final review for the book. Definitely get it when you have a chance.
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