Reviews by Pancho @ "Family Guy and Freud: Jokes and Their Relation To the Unconscious" by Antonia Peacocke
👪Family Guy and Freud: Jokes and Their Relation To the Unconscious 👪
The passage “Family guy and Freud”, written by Ms. Peacocke, explains that there is more to the fox television show Family guy rather than just crude humor and comedy insults towards people in real life. From reading this passage, I can see why the author would think that Family guy holds Sigmund Freud logic.
The “Freudian Slip” can best explain episodes from the TV show, for example, the “PTV” playwright found in the passage (pg. 303- 304). This is one point that I agree with the most because, even though they use Stewie and an Oprah book to explain the following of trends, it still resembles what most of us do today with celebrity idols.
The fact that Stewie was mindlessly going to read another of Oprah’s books without him even knowing it shows all there is to us trying to be like the ones we see on television. Whatever a rapper might wear in their music video, whether it is clothing or a certain shoe, the general public strives to obtain the exact the same material over a period of time.
Ms. Peacocke definitely made this writing piece strong through inserting actual playwright scripts from the television show to emphasize her argument on the show and what lies beneath it.
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