The STRONGEST pandemic of the 2020 decade. This was going to be an exciting year for EVERYONE! Leading up to January, talks of the town consisted of "I can't believe it's going to be a decade", "What was I doing in 2010??", "Wow a decade already??", and much more. I for 1 can say that I was very excited for 2020. When I was younger, I would lay around the TV on Friday evenings watching whatever it was that the news channel had to offer. Many times would I indulge in the show that was known as 2020. From what I can remember, it was great stories of your everyday average people doing amazing things in life. The show covered lives both domestically in the U.S.A and globally around the world. One of the funniest episodes that aired was when this African guy was talking about how the Homosexuals in their country were enjoying the arts of fisting and eating feces from the anal area. The fact that people were doing that stuff wasn't the humorous part, it was more so how angry it made the guy feel. He was one of those guys who used his hands to express what he was feeling. So when he made a fist with his hand and started licking the tip as if it was an ice cream cone, it was a pretty funny sight to see.
2020 however, is not so funny. It must be a coincidence how that episode aired on the 2020 series because it I were to summarize 2020 in 3 words or less, I'd say it was "Shit. Pure SHIT". But I can't complain. This silent killer took damn near half the whole world like it was a spawn from Thanos or some shit. I'm just thankful that none of my family members were caught in the grasp of Covid-19. I lost my job and so did my brother and cousin but we kind of sorta bounced back in a way. I, along with my cousin and a childhood friends of my brother now work at a collection agency that I used to intern for. This is the pinnacle for innovation. I was always told that I was a creative person, so maybe this is God's way of saying; "No more EXCUSES!! This year, you will show me what you can do. Now, go on and CREATE!!!". That was my impression of a higher being if you didn't realize.
I don't know what to expect with this blogger. I don't plan on making any money through this. The reviews on already slander the fact that the platform is owned by Google and that it's hard to monetize the content you create. However, at the same time I have nothing else planned to do. Not to mention, I'm really good at writing paragraphs full of useless content. Using this platform will also help me feel like I'm not completely useless in life. I read somewhere once that happiness doesn't stem from perfect conditions, but perfect conditions stem from happiness. If this will be my vehicle towards happiness, then so be it. I'm ready for the growth chapter, the ups and downs, the slips and slides, and all the other things in between. Thank you for listening! :D.
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