KICKS: THE GREAT AMERICAN STORY OF SNEAKERS👟 The mid sized book to the left of me is an overall timeline explanation of how shoes came to be, where it came from, and what it evolved into. After reading this book, I felt like I was the next best shoe don on the scene. It's different when you get the history of these things that we take for granted. Materialistic things are an always will be just that; materialistic. However, I'd be lying if I said that materialistic things weren't a mandatory add on of our lives. People create materials through the use of more materials to create even better materials. Shoes are one of the best materialistic inventions to ever be created by humans. Materials grow, evolve, and adapt to our needs. Shoes have helped many over the years of its discovery. I'm glad to have been brought up during a time when shoes were fully developed and optimized to meet the needs of people. Athletic shoes, dress shoes, boots, and all t...
Theories, Insight & The College Mind Personified