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Covid-19 POV: Pilot Blog

T he STRONGEST pandemic of the 2020 decade. This was going to be an exciting year for EVERYONE! Leading up to January, talks of the town consisted of "I can't believe it's going to be a decade", "What was I doing in 2010??", "Wow a decade already??", and much more. I for 1 can say that  I was very excited for 2020. When I was younger, I would lay around the TV on Friday evenings watching whatever it was that the news channel had to offer. Many times would I indulge in the show that was known as 2020 . From what I can remember, it was great stories of your everyday average people doing amazing things in life. The show covered lives both domestically in the U.S.A and globally around the world. One of the funniest episodes that aired was when this African guy was talking about how the Homosexuals in their country were enjoying the arts of fisting  and eating feces from the anal area. The fact that people were doing that stuff wasn't the humorous
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The Terpenes & Compounds of the Marijuana Plant

⚛COMPOUNDS & MOLECULAR  STRUCTURES⚛  WHAT ARE THEY?  By dictionary definition, a compound is a thing that is composed of two or more separate elements. However, a molecule is the smallest particle of a substance that has all of the physical and chemical properties of that substance.  Everything is made up of compounds and molecules. The earth, fragments of space, people, and most importantly, WEED!   Yes, even the marijuana plant includes compounds and molecules. With these compounds and molecules, the marijuana plant can grow to have different properties in look, taste, and effects on the human body. The 3 main types of marijuana plants include Savita's, Indica's, and Hybrids.  But exactly what are they? Lets take a deeper dive. SATIVAS  Sativa's are described as the more invigorating. energetic, and uplifting sub species of cannabis. Their outward appearance includes long stems with more narrow leaves. I would like to think that they're colors of fall but unfortun


5. Budget Marketing Expense Estimated Price Marketing Software Depending on the type of software that’ll be used in the marketing process, the estimated price could be $0.00- $189.00 a month. The main types of software that could be used by OLE Ent include Youtube Analytics, Google Analytics, and Hootsuite Analytics. All three of the software could potentially be free of cost depending on how often we rely on its use. Filming Costs The filmers costs range from $500 - $2500. According to gearshift, hourly video shoots cost $500, while video editing costs $250. Overall, a video shoot plus editing could aggregate to $750.00. Studio Works Studio time prices vary amongst sound engineers. Some of the prices can range from $50 - $500 an hour depending on what studio is chosen. OLE Ent will try its best to choose the most affordable studio with the best quality sound. Advertising Costs The following advertising costs could vary depending on what process OLE Ent chooses to pursue.


  2. Business Initiative MKTG INITIATIVES -- A summary of OLE Ent's initiatives lie within the service areas of the company.  For visual creation, the initiative is to gain access to the best tools that create the best visual works.  These tools include; proper recording equipment, software that revolve around videos, and good support teams.  For musical creation, the initiative is to create and develop outstanding artists that will be able to represent the company.  Methods towards doing this would include proper connection amongst local MC's social media management, proper advertising, funds for studio creation, etc.  For social media applications, the initiative is to create an app that will attract a large demographic of mobile users.  Methods for this initiative include making connections with techno-developers, artists, and UIX artists.  Methods also include proper advertisements via the internet.  Mock training of the social applications are also a good method for meeti


1. Business Summary The name of the company is Old Line Entertainment A.K.A OLE Ent, a new form of entertainment services created and formed in the DMV region.  (OLE Ent) is a tri-service  promotions company that offers musical, visual, and creative works. Specifically, OLE Ent’s services include visual recordings and skits, musical promotions of artists, mobile application development, digital art, freelancing, etc.  OLE Ent is created by Marquoi J.Y Subah and co-ran by all of its affiliates.                                               MARKETING DEPT Due to its new startup, the marketing department along with its numerous outreach efforts are directed and run by Marquoi J Subah. Subah directs activities such as social media implementation, social media management, visual implementation, mobile application implementation, etc.  Aside from the marketing activities, Subah also leads the financial management of the marketing teams efforts  by maintaining the profit and income streams. 


⭐ OLD LINE ENTERTAINMENT ⭐  THE  MUSIC LABEL THAT EVERYONE THOUGHT WAS DEAD..BUT  IT WASN'T A lot of people don't know this but I actually considered being a music manager for a local rap group that I was vey familiar with back in 2017-2019. How did I become familiar with this group you as? Well they were relatives of mine. My brother, cousin, and friends of friends. All aspiring artist around the time when Sound cloud was turning the average young adult and college attendee into a rap star overnight. It was definitely a sight to see and being around the noise made it more interesting at that time. Being fresh out of college in 2018, I figured that I could get my foot in the door with this music stuff through my close relatives. My first course of action was to draft out a strategy report, that would detail how things would be done in order for the artist to find their mainstream success.  But of course things didn't work out the way I thought it would.   Life hit me hard


Colors, like features , follow the changes of the emotions . Pablo Picasso 🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨 Spoken like a true ARTIST! Pablo Picasso was one of the best and way ahead of his time during his time period. His works of art are undeciphered and unique today just as it was back in the 1800s-1900s. I agree with that quote especially when it comes to the art work that is seen flowing through the cannabis industry. I can't help but feel like the collaborators of marijuana art work aren't appreciated nearly as enough as they should be. But art is life and can be found everywhere as long as you look for them in the right places. For this post, I'll be going over my top 3 cannabis companies and products that really POP when it comes to the use of art in their medical marijuana advertisements.  I'll also be touching on a few of my favorite products and packaging devices that I would personally put in on display in a museum if given the chance. You may be familiar wit


  CANNABIS IS ON THE RISE! PLANTS ARE EVERYWHERE AND THEY'RE HERE FOR THE STAY! 🍃🍂🍃🍂🍃🍂🍃🍂 COME AND JOIN THE CANNABIS WAVE TODAY!      Since its most recent form of legalization in the U.S, cannabis sales from dispensaries across the country have been on the rise by the billions . The legal cannabis industry has reportedly racked in a total $19 billion in revenue so far.  That's a lot for the government to profit of off and be happy with in my opinion. It's almost confusing as to why the government labeled the drug in the Schedule 1 category for so long. Even with it's continued display of profitability, harmlessness, and health benefits, marijuana can't seem to get a break from the Feds. Regardless, there's a wave of states that have accepted the fact that God's green gift to the earth is just that, a nice big Green Gift. Change will come eventually, even though it's somewhat slow to be accepted nationwide. There's hope that the U.S.A will be